
Thank you for supporting the Green Neighbor Challenge! For more information on our progress, goals, and where your money is going, read our prospectus document, and feel free to contact us with any questions.

The Green Neighbor Challenge is a fiscally-sponsored project of the Power Shift Network, a registered 501c3 nonprofit. This means that PSN helps manage and oversee our finances, and provides tax receipts to all donors over $250. Our donations are powered through the ActBlue platform, and you can choose to either make a one time donation, or set up a monthly recurring donation to help us build a stable and sustainable funding stream.

Recurring donations of $2 or more will receive a thank-you gift of a Green Neighbor sticker! Printed on durable clear vinyl and featuring artwork by Becky Rupel, these stickers will look great on your car, your laptop, your water bottle – the possibilities are endless! Enjoy a fun gift while spreading the word about our project, and letting the world know that you are a green neighbor.

Thank you for helping us meet our launch goals!

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